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CoinShares Claims 116% Recovery with FTX Claim Sale

CoinShares capitalizes on the FTX claim, recovering 116%. CEO Mognetti praises the deal, predicting increased shareholder returns and service expansion.
CoinShares Claims 116% Recovery with FTX Claim Sale

CoinShares International announces a financial victory by selling off its FTX claim for a whopping 116% recovery rate, after broker costs. The transaction nets the European digital asset investor £31.32M ($39.78M). The initial claim was £26.6M ($33.78M).

CEO Jean-Marie Mognetti describes the outcome as successful, highlighting CoinShare's strategic expertise. This windfall will benefit shareholders and clients alike. The company intends to use it to expand services and seize development opportunities to cement its industry position.

Despite a $21.7M fall from Terra's demise, CoinShares shows financial fortitude. Mognetti guarantees a sustained market presence supported by strong strategies, highlighting CoinShares' durability in the tumultuous seas of digital assets.

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