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German Government Moves $54M in Bitcoin

Germany’s BKA shifts over $54M in Bitcoin to exchanges and mystery addresses.
German Government Moves $54M in Bitcoin

The German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) got the crypto market moving early Tuesday by depositing 400 Bitcoin (BTC) ($24.34M) to Coinbase and Kraken. They also sent another 500 BTC worth $30.4M to a mystery address, "139Po."

Following a frenzied week in which $130M and $65M flooded exchanges, the narrative intensifies with Germany's crypto maneuvers.

According to Miguel More of Arkham Intelligence, these swings could signal a sell-off. Yet, a $24M transaction is insignificant compared to the daily $40B BTC trading volume.

Germany is the world's leading Bitcoin holder, with 46,359 BTC worth around $2.8B, trailing just the United States, China, and the United Kingdom. This holding resulted from obtaining approximately 50,000 BTC from's ringleaders and landing in BKA's lap following a "voluntary transfer."

The crypto community is keeping a close eye on Bitcoin's price drop and fears of market pressure.

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