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PancakeSwap Launches AI-Driven DeFi Tool CupcakeHop

PancakeSwap launches a new AI tool, CupcakeHop, helping users with investment strategies and enhanced risk management.
PancakeSwap Launches AI-Driven DeFi Tool CupcakeHop

In collaboration with Bril Finance, PancakeSwap will introduce CupcakeHop, an AI-driven portfolio management platform. CupcakeHop wants to revolutionize decentralized finance (DeFi) investing methods with AI.

With its August launch date, CupcakeHop seeks to make DeFi more accessible to a wider range of users. They will offer customized investing options and dynamic risk control.

CEO Bril Finance Connor O'Shea told CoinTelegraph that CupcakeHop automates investments according to user goals and market conditions. That will also mean constantly refining tactics to increase profits. The solution incorporates an innovative risk engine that detects and mitigates potential hazards while automatically altering assets to protect investments.

A risk management slider is a unique feature in development. This slider will allow users to choose high, medium, or low risk, each with associated return profiles. O'Shea comically compares the high-risk option to a "nuclear launch button."

CupcakeHop also promises greater transparency in investment reporting. Bril Finance experienced tremendous trading volume in recent quarters, indicating strong market activity and confidence in its offers.

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