Telegram's CEO, Pavel Durov, is being arrested in Paris due to worries about moderation. The platform claims they fully comply with EU regulations and industry norms. Telegram's official account posted their opinion, stressing user responsibility.
Tech leaders have decried the arrest. Edward Snowden described it as an assault on basic human rights. Elon Musk slammed Mark Zuckerberg, claiming he avoids legal complications by cooperating with censorship demands.
The hashtags #FreeDurov and #FreePavel are trending online. Telegram execs claim that Durov has nothing to conceal and expect a swift conclusion.
Samson Mow, CEO of Jan3, claims Durov should be released but condemns Telegram's insecure encryption. He emphasizes the dangers of operating a platform without default end-to-end encryption. Mow compares Telegram to Nostr and warns of a possible demise due to architectural problems.
The arrest has sparked debate over platform accountability, free expression, and encryption. It raises concerns about the balance between user privacy and regulatory compliance. The tech community is keenly monitoring the situation and considering the consequences for digital communication platforms worldwide.