Telegram Messenger is upping its game, now offering 50% of ad money to public channel owners. However, there is a catch: these channels require at least 1,000 followers. Payments are made in Toncoin, Telegram's cryptocurrency.
This unique move comes after Pavel Durov's February statement. He launched the Telegram Ad Platform to help channel owners. Since then, Toncoin's value has increased by 111%. It increased from $2.51 to $5.30 in just over a month.
Owners can withdraw their earnings with no fees. Telegram is the third most downloaded messenger app. With more than a trillion monthly views on channels, the revenue potential is enormous. Until now, owners generated revenue through sponsored posts, private channel fees, and sales.
Additionally, the Ton Foundation launched Mini Apps on Telegram. These user-friendly apps have the potential to significantly increase blockchain usage. They hope to have 500 million on-chain users by 2028.